Monday, November 28, 2011

Weekend recap

And so my Monday/Weekend starts.....Monday for not being able to sleep in, weekend because well I'm able to get an hour or two of me time in today :) 
So this weekend was pretty eventful.  Friday night I went with some friends to dinner and a movie.  We saw Twilight's Breaking Dawn, Pt 1.  IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!  A lot of people complained about it not being good....I think those people are Team Jacob because there wasn't much of him in this one.  Edward was so hot, lustful, charming, this movie definitely didn't help with my obsession of him :)
Saturday we went riding.  Austin was able to show me his newest trick, an endo!!  He's becoming a daredevil that's for sure.  Alie is showing an interest in riding now....not the tricks, she just wants to ride the 50.  Saturday night we had some friends over to play the game cranium.  It was shockingly kind of fun. 
Sunday we went to the beach to finish up the Flat Emma photoshoot and the last of the Christmas card pictures.  After that I spent the day just hanging out around the house, doing housework and entertaining kids. 
This week I have 3 goals. 
1.  Work out 5-7 days a week
2.  Eat healthier
3.  Don't fall behind on house cleaning. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Stay at home mom

So today it has finally hit me that I'm a stay at home mom again.....except this time I will be able to make some side money by being a nanny to a neighbor for her kids before and after school for a couple hours a day.  Not bad.....super excited.  Now I can finally figure out what exactly it is that I'm wanting to do with my life. 
I can concentrate on being a better housewife, mom, photographer, and being a better me.   Being 31 has really done a number on me....same with turning 30.  Once I hit 30 I went into panic mode because I'm not 'young' anymore....well, guess what?  I AM YOUNG....I'm still young enough to live my life and decide which ways I want my life to go.  So,  now that I'm a year older, and every year I continue to get a year older (which kind of freaks me out a little) I am more confident in myself.  I have my fabulous house, filled with my fabulous belongings, and most importantly...I live with my fabulous family.  

we each make the road that leads to our future....we can make it a dead end, we might make it to a 4 way stop and have no clue which way to turn, but eventually we will find our way to our final destination.....where is your destination?