Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Let me be the millionth person to say, I am OBSESSED with Instagram!  O-B-S-E-S-S-E-D!  I've died and went to photography heaven.  Lucky for me, my cell phone has an amazingly huge screen and great camera so I usually prefer to use my cell phone camera over my big fancy one half the time. 
I've come across some really AMAZING photographers on IG.  Definitely check out some of the people I follow.  People from across the country, and some overseas.  Some of the prettiest places are lucky enough to have some real talented people.  
I know fellow ig lovers in nyc meet up every so often to go on photo walks and then out for drinks afterwards.  One day I will jump on the train and do that....sounds super fun, kind of weird, but (in the words of my daughter) YOLO. 

My screen name is beckyb2201  I usually stick to my cell phone camera for ig pics, I use a Samsung GalaxyS2.  I occasionally will upload a pic I really like that I took from my Canon Rebel XS...yes, one the one they don't make anymore, I think it's about time to upgrade.  Very rarely I use my point and shoot, it's a Sony, not sure on the model off hand. 

What is 40

Can I just tell you......I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE THIS MOVIE!!!    From the previews, I love everything about it already (of course it'll probably blow because I'm THIS excited). 
In Knocked Up, I loved this couple the most.  I wished they would have showed more of them throughout that movie.  DOORMAN!!!  LOL haha. 
I just love Leslie Mann....girlfriend is banging.  100% dream girl for sure.  Funny, pretty face, great hair, nice fit body, and she looks absolutely stunning for her age.  Maybe she's my girl crush this week.  Paul Rudd has been one of my favorite actors since I seen him in Clueless.  He's good looking and super funny....maybe he's my boy crush.  I love pretty much every single movie that he's been in, every character he has played.  And of course, he was raised in Overland Park, KS.  Hello Oak Park boy. 

Here's a couple trailers for the movie if you haven't seen or heard about this.....